Today we are announcing the content for Update #7.1 and will start with the new kits!
With Update #7.1 we are introducing the following new kits that you can unlock / claim.
After hearing tons of feedback from the pvp players we decided to add
many new warzone/pvp features and balance changes in this update.
Beast God Kit 
The Beast god kit armor set has the following effect:
When hit in combat the beast will sometimes be consumed
with rage gaining Strength II Speed III and Resistance II for 7s.

Type /gkits to learn more about the new gkit
Dark Magician Corrupted Kit 
The Dark Magician armor has 2 different effects that are listed below:
-10% / -20% / -30% cooldown on spells
2.5% / 5% / 7.5% chance to not get cooldown on the spell (after activation)

Type /ckits to learn more about the new ckit
Armor Set Effect Changes 
Doubles your chance of Guillotine chopping off an enemy player head (old)
Deal 15% more damage when your enemy has a bounty value of 30mil+ (new (not working in koth))

Reduce all incoming damage by 15% (old: 10%)
The resistance enchantment proc chance is increased (new)

Immunity to Poison, Toxin spell & Viper enchantment. (old: only poison)

Tap SNEAK to get Challenge XP (old)
+20% Challenge XP gain when completing Campaign Challenges. (new)

Increased Resistance against the "Shatter" enchantment (old)
+35% Armor durability (old: 25%)

Tap SNEAK to receive a random treasure (old)
Increased chance of finding Buried treasures on islands (new)

When an Ender Pearl is thrown out of combat you will ride along with it (old: also in combat)
Disability to use the ender bow without immunity (old: not usable at all)

Tap SHIFT & Left Click to teleport behind your opponent (old: Tap SHIFT)
After Teleporting, your opponent will be inflicted with blindness for 3s (new)


Less cooldown on Savior after activation (old: 4min now 3min 30s)
+25% outgoing damage after Savior proc for 30s. (old: 20%)
Gain Resistance III for 45s after Savior proc. (old: Resistance II)

Decreased /fix cost by 10% / 25% / 40% (old: 5% / 15% / 25%)
Doesn't stack with /outpost buffs (old)

New Fund Goals 
After hearing tons of feedback from the pvp players.
We decided to add more fund "goals" so that the warzone can be valuable even after the first few days of a season start.

You can check them out with /fund
K.O.T.H Event 
In update #7.1 we are adding one new koth event:
No Refill (After leaving koth once, you can't rejoin anymore for this event)
*Note: Leaving at koth spawn will also consume your koth life
Fairy head grinder 
We are introducing our 5th head grinder for your own island!
You can right click this grinder to get some wood, fairy timbers or some rare loot
You can open the upgrade menu from this head grinder with shift + right click

Now lets talk about the question "how can you obtain it?".
The Fairy head grinder is obtainable from the following loottables:
The Dealer, Rowan tasks and Fairy Timbers!
Frosty Mine Ore 
We are introducing a new warzone ore called: Frozen Blue Howlite.
You can mine this ore in the frosty mines (only without immunity).
Players can sell this ore at "The Jeweller" or with /shop for 3,000 stars each ore.

*Note: Fortune doesn't work on these ores (random amount between 1-3 ores)
and players get 10 challenge xp per ore (/limits)
Other notable bugfixes / changes
Squids will now give 10 item xp each kill
Players can now throw bookshelf + block oreseeds in the corrupted boss altar
Obsidian buy price got reduced from 3.5k to 750 stars
You can now obtain the Enchantress head grinder from op enchantment crates,
corrupted arachnid queen boss chest and arcane shards (but it got removed from rowan tasks)
The combat timer in the warzone got changed from 15s ---> 20s
The 1st/2nd/3rd place in warzone koth will receive 50/25/10 combat points
Added a combat timer after logging out in the warzone (20s), if you log out again in that time you will get killed
Removed Curse 4 books from the Treasure Hunter loot, adjusted some prices and added new items
Changed the warzone koth location (North West / near Combat Outpost)
Strength 1/2/3 will now grant +100%/+200%/+300% damage (before: +130%/+260%/ 390%)
Community Suggestions that got implemented in the new update
Players can toggle the itemcf messages (included in coinflip toggles), and trails in combat.
Added 21 new competitions
Players can check soulbound item drops upon death with /death playername
The Reaper hoe ability cooldown got reduced from 5m --> 3m
Added "/compactxp" to merge all item, challenge and enchanting xp bottles in your inventory (5% tax + 10min cooldown)
Added Sell Chest logs and a /is collect <amount> command
Today we are announcing the content for Update #7.1 and will start with the new kits!
With Update #7.1 we are introducing the following new kits that you can unlock / claim.
After hearing tons of feedback from the pvp players we decided to add
many new warzone/pvp features and balance changes in this update.

The Beast god kit armor set has the following effect:
When hit in combat the beast will sometimes be consumed
with rage gaining Strength II Speed III and Resistance II for 7s.

Type /gkits to learn more about the new gkit

The Dark Magician armor has 2 different effects that are listed below:
-10% / -20% / -30% cooldown on spells
2.5% / 5% / 7.5% chance to not get cooldown on the spell (after activation)

Type /ckits to learn more about the new ckit

Doubles your chance of Guillotine chopping off an enemy player head (old)
Deal 15% more damage when your enemy has a bounty value of 30mil+ (new (not working in koth))

Reduce all incoming damage by 15% (old: 10%)
The resistance enchantment proc chance is increased (new)

Immunity to Poison, Toxin spell & Viper enchantment. (old: only poison)

Tap SNEAK to get Challenge XP (old)
+20% Challenge XP gain when completing Campaign Challenges. (new)

Increased Resistance against the "Shatter" enchantment (old)
+35% Armor durability (old: 25%)

Tap SNEAK to receive a random treasure (old)
Increased chance of finding Buried treasures on islands (new)

When an Ender Pearl is thrown out of combat you will ride along with it (old: also in combat)
Disability to use the ender bow without immunity (old: not usable at all)

Tap SHIFT & Left Click to teleport behind your opponent (old: Tap SHIFT)
After Teleporting, your opponent will be inflicted with blindness for 3s (new)

Less cooldown on Savior after activation (old: 4min now 3min 30s)
+25% outgoing damage after Savior proc for 30s. (old: 20%)
Gain Resistance III for 45s after Savior proc. (old: Resistance II)

Decreased /fix cost by 10% / 25% / 40% (old: 5% / 15% / 25%)
Doesn't stack with /outpost buffs (old)

After hearing tons of feedback from the pvp players.
We decided to add more fund "goals" so that the warzone can be valuable even after the first few days of a season start.

You can check them out with /fund

In update #7.1 we are adding one new koth event:

*Note: Leaving at koth spawn will also consume your koth life

We are introducing our 5th head grinder for your own island!
You can right click this grinder to get some wood, fairy timbers or some rare loot
You can open the upgrade menu from this head grinder with shift + right click

Now lets talk about the question "how can you obtain it?".
The Fairy head grinder is obtainable from the following loottables:
The Dealer, Rowan tasks and Fairy Timbers!

We are introducing a new warzone ore called: Frozen Blue Howlite.
You can mine this ore in the frosty mines (only without immunity).
Players can sell this ore at "The Jeweller" or with /shop for 3,000 stars each ore.

*Note: Fortune doesn't work on these ores (random amount between 1-3 ores)
and players get 10 challenge xp per ore (/limits)

corrupted arachnid queen boss chest and arcane shards (but it got removed from rowan tasks)

Thats all for this update, enjoy!
The Shinybounds management.
The Shinybounds management.