This is the changelog of the update release on Map #8. It contains huge Tradia changes, a new warzone and kit changes
but there is still a lot more! (Release at 27th of december, 8pm CEST)
So let's start with the tradia changes.
Tradia / Mining Changes
Tradia over the down time the rain has cleared away rocks and rubble and revealed new mine shafts in the Tradia Mine.
Work your way down and discover the new mines for each ore.
Tradia Core Level
First we added a new level system in Tradia. This level system has a total of 16 levels.
You can check out the different level "rewards / advantages" at /tradia.
Tradia Core xp is obtainable from ore milestones and Elzzor mining tasks.
Tradia Ore Milestones
You can level up your ore milestones by mining ores in tradia.
You will get tradia core xp as a milestone level up reward and if you reach any level 11 milestone you will get +25 tradia fortune.
*Note: If you reached milestone level 11 for every ore you will get 1x Crystal Locator XI enchantment book
Tradia Fortune & Mining Power
We added Tradia Fortune which indicates how many ores you can get and Mining power that increases your mining speed.
Tradia Mining is now made fully custom.
You can increase these 2 stats with the following methods:
Tradia Enchantments
Players can also enchant their pickaxes with the new enchantments that we added for Tradia.
You can check them out with /enchants
Tradia Armor Set
With the new tradia update there also comes a new armor set.
The Tradia armor set, it has 3 levels that you can obtain from the Set Exchanger npc
by exchaning your Miner I,II,III set for a Tradia I,II,III set.
Other Tradia Changes
The Carpenter npc now also sells birch doors and item frames
Changed the prices and items for some of the items sold by the Treasure Hunter (+ item changes will get announced in chat).
Changed the prices for all ores at The Jeweler npc.
The "Fast Miner npc" can now teleport you to every ore mine in tradia (for stars you can only reach those mines if you are using this npc).
The Miner set bonus got changed (removed double / chance to get double miningworld tokens buff)
Decreased ore cooldowns for most ores (example: green jade is now 35s)
Changed the amount of mining world tokens from ores in tradia (before: coal:1,..., Green Jade 10 | now: coal: 1,.., Green Jade: 4-10)
Removed the random immortal shard from the archaeologist shop and added it to the treasure hunter items
There is also a new head grinder (name: dwarf) that is obtainable from: the dealer, mining crystals or ...
You can no longer gain ancient runes, legendary relics or tradia crates from mining ores (will get mining artifacts instead)
There will be a mining event every saturday at 4pm cet that lasts for 2h with different buffs
Players can now use /tradiatop to see the top players with the highest tradia core level
We also added mining tasks (something like rowan tasks for mining) that you can accept from the Elzzor npc
Fund Changes / Silverfish Spawner Change
Last season we brought back the silverfish spawner and we realised that its way to unbalanced.
So we decided to remove the gold ingot drops for silverfish mobs that not got killed by hand (fall damage / lava).
We added silverfish mob heads and made some changes to the fund system to prevent afk farms to be to strong.
You can see the whole changes by using /fund at season begin and now I show you a little sneak peak of it:
Kit Changes
In the last seasons we realised that we can't continue without changing something in our immortal kit system.
Some players in the community wanted a "hard reset" but we know that most players wouldn't like something like this.
Thats why we decided to remove all current original immortal kits and convert most immortal kits to original immortal kits.
At the same time we have also added 14 new immortal kits that players can unlock and we also introduce immortal and original
immortal kit level. Level 1 and 2 are unlocked and won't get reset and level 3 will be reset every season.
Another change that we have done is replacing the immortal shard from immortal summoner with an original immortal shard.
Special thanks to all players that had submitted their ideas for new immortal kits. We implemented 10 of your ideas (9 ikit and 1 ckit)
and now lets check out the new immortal kits that we have implemented in map #8:
Shadow Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Hedgehog Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Musician Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Gunner Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Giant Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Nightmare Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Yeti Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Bloodmage Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Specialist Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Devastator Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Dicer Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Lumberjackfairy Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Soul Eater Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Plunderer Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Headhunter Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Deal 10%/15%/20% more damage with bows
-10%/-20%/-30% bow ability cooldown
Racer Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Arthropod Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Slowness, Poison & Wither effects durations
are reduced by 30%/50%/70%
Viking Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Deal +5%/7.5%/10% damage with Axes
-5%/10%/15% cooldown on Shuffle & Smash Ability
Illusionist God Kit
You can check the kit items in the /gkits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Assassin Immortal Kit Set Bonus Change
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Prestige / Player Leveling
We’ve added a around 20 new exciting campaign challenges.
The Warzone Hoarder prestige skill got buffed.
Competition Spinner will now give more challenge xp (1.5x - 2x compared to map #7)
You can now select up to 8 daily challenges every day instead of 5.
*Note: You now need to have a certain tradia core level to prestige.
Achievement System
For map #8 we are introducing a achievement system with achievements for every area of the game.
There are warzone/pvp related achievements and island/woodcutting/farming/mining/pve achievements that players can complete.
Players can check them out with /achievement or /achievements at the start of map #8
Spirit Fields / Farming Changes
Increased book vendor prices
Farming crop prices got decreased: Potato 25 ---> 5 / Baked Potato 40 ---> 10 Carrot 35 ---> 5 / Wheat 25 ---> 5 / Nether Wart 35 ---> 15
Players can now buy a 10% sellboost for the items listed above at the spirit booster npc for 1000 farming tokens each (buy limit: 40x)
Decreased fortune level from normal, expert and master farmer hoes
Island Permissions
Introducing a new special island permission that you can see below.
We are also adding 4 new custom island permissions that are listed below:
Break Spawners, Place Spawners, Break/Place Oreseeds and Throw special potions.
Bow System
Players can now level up bows, enchant them with new enchants (/enchants to check them out)
and also try out the 3 new bow abilitys that we have added now.
We made some changes to the koth token system.
Players can now get up to 2 koth tokens every day for killing players (up to 5 tokens before)
and you can also get 2 koth tokens for being in the clan that has capped koth (1 before)
Because of this change we decreased the prices for items in the koth shop and we
want to introduce you to the following 1 new koth event:
Hunter (enderbows + bows are enabled)
Other notable changes
Added Prismarine & Dark Prismarine oreseeds
Players can now sell Prismarine & Dark Prismarine at the market
Increased prices for certain items at the market
Changed the monthly crate system (1x crate, 5-6 items, max level:3
Added the original immortal skydrop skydrop and a acid skydrop (watch out for the rain it could kill you)
Changed the immortal shard price in the voteshop to 400 votepoints (300 before)
Switched the immortal skydrop with an original immortal skydrop
Players now need to chop 7500 bookshelfs after mining emeralds for the haste aura beacon challenge
Added a new item: 1-100% Magical blackscroll (you can choose the enchant that should get disenchanted) very very rare
If you have unlocked tradia,spiritfields or fairywood you can now also use the traveller npc to teleport to these worlds
Added a Head at spawn that you can punch with a leaderboard (this will give no rewards and exists just for fun)
Decreased head grinder upgrade prices (stars) and added "Upgrade Components" that are obtainable from headgrinders
Halved the oreseed island upgrade upgrade prices
Added a new island sellchest island upgrade level (17.5% sell boost)
Changed the normal and advanced rowan set effect + added a rowan supreme armor set
Added a new bug store where you can spend earned bug tokens for reporting bugs
We also changed the warzone so feel free to check it out as soon as map #8 begins
*If you want to get a lootbox at the end of the season you need to collect: all dirts from the dirt or dirt crate,
dirt of eternal and dirt of tradia (you get a bonus if you have the dirt of void)
Implemented Community suggestions
Changed the shiny token item to sunflower
Added eternal dust to the possible enchantress head grinder loot
Players can now /splitxp challenge xp
Added /scrambletop
Made a scoreboard change when reaching lvl 50 (max level)
Changed the slot bot credit shop items
Removed fortune 6 from the Miner 3 pickaxe and changed the conjurer blade to a gold sword
Later in this season we will make some changes to the reputation system and
the Automselter update got delayed to Update #8.1/Update #8.2 due to some issues sorry.
This is the changelog of the update release on Map #8. It contains huge Tradia changes, a new warzone and kit changes
but there is still a lot more! (Release at 27th of december, 8pm CEST)
So let's start with the tradia changes.
Tradia / Mining Changes
Tradia over the down time the rain has cleared away rocks and rubble and revealed new mine shafts in the Tradia Mine.
Work your way down and discover the new mines for each ore.
Tradia Core Level
First we added a new level system in Tradia. This level system has a total of 16 levels.
You can check out the different level "rewards / advantages" at /tradia.
Tradia Core xp is obtainable from ore milestones and Elzzor mining tasks.
Tradia Ore Milestones
You can level up your ore milestones by mining ores in tradia.
You will get tradia core xp as a milestone level up reward and if you reach any level 11 milestone you will get +25 tradia fortune.
*Note: If you reached milestone level 11 for every ore you will get 1x Crystal Locator XI enchantment book
Tradia Fortune & Mining Power
We added Tradia Fortune which indicates how many ores you can get and Mining power that increases your mining speed.
Tradia Mining is now made fully custom.
You can increase these 2 stats with the following methods:
Tradia Enchantments
Players can also enchant their pickaxes with the new enchantments that we added for Tradia.
You can check them out with /enchants
Tradia Armor Set
With the new tradia update there also comes a new armor set.
The Tradia armor set, it has 3 levels that you can obtain from the Set Exchanger npc
by exchaning your Miner I,II,III set for a Tradia I,II,III set.
Other Tradia Changes
The Carpenter npc now also sells birch doors and item frames
Changed the prices and items for some of the items sold by the Treasure Hunter (+ item changes will get announced in chat).
Changed the prices for all ores at The Jeweler npc.
The "Fast Miner npc" can now teleport you to every ore mine in tradia (for stars you can only reach those mines if you are using this npc).
The Miner set bonus got changed (removed double / chance to get double miningworld tokens buff)
Decreased ore cooldowns for most ores (example: green jade is now 35s)
Changed the amount of mining world tokens from ores in tradia (before: coal:1,..., Green Jade 10 | now: coal: 1,.., Green Jade: 4-10)
Removed the random immortal shard from the archaeologist shop and added it to the treasure hunter items
There is also a new head grinder (name: dwarf) that is obtainable from: the dealer, mining crystals or ...
You can no longer gain ancient runes, legendary relics or tradia crates from mining ores (will get mining artifacts instead)
There will be a mining event every saturday at 4pm cet that lasts for 2h with different buffs
Players can now use /tradiatop to see the top players with the highest tradia core level
We also added mining tasks (something like rowan tasks for mining) that you can accept from the Elzzor npc
Fund Changes / Silverfish Spawner Change
Last season we brought back the silverfish spawner and we realised that its way to unbalanced.
So we decided to remove the gold ingot drops for silverfish mobs that not got killed by hand (fall damage / lava).
We added silverfish mob heads and made some changes to the fund system to prevent afk farms to be to strong.
You can see the whole changes by using /fund at season begin and now I show you a little sneak peak of it:
Kit Changes
In the last seasons we realised that we can't continue without changing something in our immortal kit system.
Some players in the community wanted a "hard reset" but we know that most players wouldn't like something like this.
Thats why we decided to remove all current original immortal kits and convert most immortal kits to original immortal kits.
At the same time we have also added 14 new immortal kits that players can unlock and we also introduce immortal and original
immortal kit level. Level 1 and 2 are unlocked and won't get reset and level 3 will be reset every season.
Another change that we have done is replacing the immortal shard from immortal summoner with an original immortal shard.
Special thanks to all players that had submitted their ideas for new immortal kits. We implemented 10 of your ideas (9 ikit and 1 ckit)
and now lets check out the new immortal kits that we have implemented in map #8:
Shadow Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Hedgehog Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Musician Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Gunner Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Giant Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Nightmare Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Yeti Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Bloodmage Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Specialist Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Devastator Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Dicer Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Lumberjackfairy Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Soul Eater Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Plunderer Immortal Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Headhunter Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Deal 10%/15%/20% more damage with bows
-10%/-20%/-30% bow ability cooldown
Racer Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Arthropod Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Slowness, Poison & Wither effects durations
are reduced by 30%/50%/70%
Viking Corrupted Kit
You can check the level kit items in the /ckits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Deal +5%/7.5%/10% damage with Axes
-5%/10%/15% cooldown on Shuffle & Smash Ability
Illusionist God Kit
You can check the kit items in the /gkits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Assassin Immortal Kit Set Bonus Change
You can check the level kit items in the /ikits menu and you can check out the set bonus below:
Prestige / Player Leveling
We’ve added a around 20 new exciting campaign challenges.
The Warzone Hoarder prestige skill got buffed.
Competition Spinner will now give more challenge xp (1.5x - 2x compared to map #7)
You can now select up to 8 daily challenges every day instead of 5.
*Note: You now need to have a certain tradia core level to prestige.
Achievement System
For map #8 we are introducing a achievement system with achievements for every area of the game.
There are warzone/pvp related achievements and island/woodcutting/farming/mining/pve achievements that players can complete.
Players can check them out with /achievement or /achievements at the start of map #8
Spirit Fields / Farming Changes
Increased book vendor prices
Farming crop prices got decreased: Potato 25 ---> 5 / Baked Potato 40 ---> 10 Carrot 35 ---> 5 / Wheat 25 ---> 5 / Nether Wart 35 ---> 15
Players can now buy a 10% sellboost for the items listed above at the spirit booster npc for 1000 farming tokens each (buy limit: 40x)
Decreased fortune level from normal, expert and master farmer hoes
Island Permissions
Introducing a new special island permission that you can see below.
We are also adding 4 new custom island permissions that are listed below:
Break Spawners, Place Spawners, Break/Place Oreseeds and Throw special potions.
Bow System
Players can now level up bows, enchant them with new enchants (/enchants to check them out)
and also try out the 3 new bow abilitys that we have added now.
We made some changes to the koth token system.
Players can now get up to 2 koth tokens every day for killing players (up to 5 tokens before)
and you can also get 2 koth tokens for being in the clan that has capped koth (1 before)
Because of this change we decreased the prices for items in the koth shop and we
want to introduce you to the following 1 new koth event:
Hunter (enderbows + bows are enabled)
Other notable changes
Added Prismarine & Dark Prismarine oreseeds
Players can now sell Prismarine & Dark Prismarine at the market
Increased prices for certain items at the market
Changed the monthly crate system (1x crate, 5-6 items, max level:3
Added the original immortal skydrop skydrop and a acid skydrop (watch out for the rain it could kill you)
Changed the immortal shard price in the voteshop to 400 votepoints (300 before)
Switched the immortal skydrop with an original immortal skydrop
Players now need to chop 7500 bookshelfs after mining emeralds for the haste aura beacon challenge
Added a new item: 1-100% Magical blackscroll (you can choose the enchant that should get disenchanted) very very rare
If you have unlocked tradia,spiritfields or fairywood you can now also use the traveller npc to teleport to these worlds
Added a Head at spawn that you can punch with a leaderboard (this will give no rewards and exists just for fun)
Decreased head grinder upgrade prices (stars) and added "Upgrade Components" that are obtainable from headgrinders
Halved the oreseed island upgrade upgrade prices
Added a new island sellchest island upgrade level (17.5% sell boost)
Changed the normal and advanced rowan set effect + added a rowan supreme armor set
Added a new bug store where you can spend earned bug tokens for reporting bugs
We also changed the warzone so feel free to check it out as soon as map #8 begins
*If you want to get a lootbox at the end of the season you need to collect: all dirts from the dirt or dirt crate,
dirt of eternal and dirt of tradia (you get a bonus if you have the dirt of void)
Implemented Community suggestions
Changed the shiny token item to sunflower
Added eternal dust to the possible enchantress head grinder loot
Players can now /splitxp challenge xp
Added /scrambletop
Made a scoreboard change when reaching lvl 50 (max level)
Changed the slot bot credit shop items
Removed fortune 6 from the Miner 3 pickaxe and changed the conjurer blade to a gold sword
Later in this season we will make some changes to the reputation system and
the Automselter update got delayed to Update #8.1/Update #8.2 due to some issues sorry.
Thats all for this update, enjoy!
Thanks for being patient with us.
The Shinybounds Management
Thanks for being patient with us.
The Shinybounds Management